Powershell For Mac Os X

PowerShell Core is a version of PowerShell that can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X (I covered it here) and Linux, i.e. Raspbian. For this blog post I am going to using my Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspbian (Buster).

“PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.”

If you want to play with Microsoft Azure then you’ll want to take the PowerShell command line for a test drive as it can be better than the GUI driven web interface, and on Linux that means installing PowerShell Core.

First up, make sure to run sudo apt-get update.


I work mostly on Apple Mac OS X. I've also been writing a lot of Windows automation, and that means PowerShell DSC. PSDSC doesn't work on OS X yet, and even once it does I won't be able to test Windows-only resources. To test my configurations, I use Vagrant boxes. It took a little fiddling Continue reading PowerShell DSC In Vagrant →. Sudo apt-get install libunwind8 libicu52 sudo dpkg -i /path/to/powershell.deb On CentOS 7, run the following commands: sudo yum install /path/to/powershell.rpm If all goes well, PowerShell should now be installed on your system. How to Install PowerShell on a Mac To install PowerShell on a Mac, just double-click the downloaded.pkg file. First of all, thank you for your post, really good to point out that powerShell is accessible on a Mac too! I am trying for many days now to get things done with PowerShell on a Mac. Installation of HomeBrew and PowerShell (7) is not a problem. I can also add modules, e.g. To work with Teams.

Next up we use wget to download the archive file that contains PowerShell Core for Raspbian.

wget https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v6.2.0/powershell-6.2.0-linux-arm32.tar.gz

Note: Check https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell to check what the latest version is.

Once the archive file is download we need a location to extract it into.

Powershell For Mac Os X

mkdir ~/powershell

mkdir makes a directory, ~/ places it at the root of the folder tree and in this case the folder will be called powershell.

tar -xvf ./powershell-6.2.0-linux-arm32.tar.gz -C ~/powershell

The tar -xvf command extracts (-x) the file (f) verbosely (v) and copies it to the ~/powershell folder.

With all that complete, it’s time to run PowerShell Core.


pswsh is PowerShell Core and it should now open.

Unix For Mac Os X Users With Kevin Skoglund

To check which version is installed type:


With PowerShell Core installed and running the Azure module can be installed.

PowerCLI 10.0.0 was released just a few weeks ago and one of the key updates was the added support for MacOS and Linux operating systems. It’s still amazing to think about! PowerShell and PowerCLI available to users on OSes other than just Windows. Wow! Download free zip program for mac.

Let’s put this to action and get PowerCLI installed on a MacOS system.

Prerequisite: Installing PowerShell Core – Package

The minimally required version for MacOS is PowerShell Core 6.0.1. There’s a couple different ways to install PowerShell onto a MacOS system. This first method is downloading the PowerShell package and installing it through GUI installer.

We can start by browsing to the PowerShell GitHub repository, and clicking on the ‘Releases’ button. Alternatively, here’s a direct link: PowerShell Releases page

On the PowerShell Releases page, we will want to download the latest MacOS package to our local system. Now, we will want to run through the installer. Accepting all of the defaults worked in my environment.

Prerequisite: Installing PowerShell – Homebrew

The other main way of installing PowerShell is through Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager. It will easily allow us to install, update, and remove packages, like PowerShell, directly from the command line!

If you don’t already have Homebew installed, it too can be installed from the command line with the following within Terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby-e'$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)'

Next, we’ll need to install Homebrew-Cask. Homebrew-Cask is extension of Homebrew to allow for the downloading of additional, pre-compiled, applications. We will perform the install with the following command within Terminal:

Microsoft powershell for mac

Shortcut To Open Powershell

Now, we’re ready to install PowerShell onto our MacOS system! This can be done with the following command within Terminal:

Installing PowerCLI

We have our prerequisite of PowerShell installed on our MacOS system. We’re now ready to install PowerCLI!

Start by opening Terminal and starting our PowerShell session by entering:

At this point, we’re in PowerShell so we install PowerCLI just like we have for the past couple versions!
